An Exercise Book for the Spirit of Humanity - Practicing LOVE is about developing a universal framework for strengthening our capacity to love and grow in times where hope and faith are needed. It helps us work on increasing the love we have for ourselves while connecting with others in a healthy and positive manner. There are guidelines to Practicing Love and information to digest upon starting.
This book/journal touches on how to view and understand our personal past, honesty, fear, insecurities, technology and its effects. These topics are part of all our lives and vital to our growth. Understanding the impact will assist us in becoming critical thinkers and an active participant in life. Practicing LOVE is an ongoing exercise, a stepping stone in the right direction that will strengthen us in becoming grounded with humility and humanity while making a difference in the lives of others. Small steps with great impacts. Journal writing and sketch pages are provided at the back of the book for expression.
Paatohia te pukapuka ki te hoko
Nga Wa Whakaata me te Whakaaro Arohaehae

I mau tonu ahau i tenei pukapuka pono, whai whakaaro me te whakahihiri, ka miharo ahau ki te ngawari o taku hono ki te maha o nga kaupapa kua whakaatuhia. I mahara ahau me te mea he maha nga whakaaro me nga kare a te kaituhi i pa ki ahau, engari kaore au i whai wa ki te whakaaro, ki te maioha, ki te ako ranei.
He mea whakahihiri, he mohio, he ataahua hoki nga karere kua tukuna, e akiaki ana i te kaipanui ki te ako me te wheako i nga harikoa ka puta mai i te whakaharatau i nga mahi ahua ngawari kua ngaro noa atu i roto i nga paapori paapori uaua me te hapori e akiakihia ana e te hangarau o enei ra. Kei roto i enei ko nga kaupapa penei i te tuku murunga hara, te maioha, te mahi i nga mahi atawhai o ia ra, me te whakatata atu ki te ao mai i te waahi aroha.
I roto i teie mau tau fifi e te amahamaharaa hohonu, te mau poroi i vauvauhia i roto i teie buka tei hinaarohia hau atu i tei mutaa iho.

Te vai ra te mau taata i roto i teie nei ao o te nehenehe e haaputapû i to tatou aau na roto i te mau ravea hohonu e te faufaa. He whakamaharatanga tenei pukapuka mo tera, ko ta tatou koha nui ko te aroha me te AROHA MAHI….ahakoa ko wai, ahakoa he aha te arai, whana taua kuaha ki raro…mahia nga mea e tika ana kia noho tonu te marama ki a koe…tenei ehara i te mea kotahi te panui, me pupuri tenei pukapuka ki roto i to putea hei whakamaumaharatanga mena ka tae mai to ra, tetahi tangata ranei ki a koe, whiua te AROHA ki a ia, karapotia koe ki te marama o te Aroha.
Mauruuru koe Ray mo te Whakamaumahara .. ae ka taea e NYC te tino hanga i a koe hei wairua kawa!!
Anaru Soliz
Kia ora e tama, ki taku whakaaro me titiro koutou ki tenei pukapuka whakahihiko hou e kiia nei ko PracticingLOVE. Mo te hunga e kaha ana ki te whakamahi i te whakatenatena, me whiwhi koe i tenei pukapuka. I taea e au te hono atu me te hono atu ki nga wheako maha e whakaatuhia ana i roto i tenei panui, ki taku whakaaro me tiritiri ki etahi atu. He mihi aroha ki a koe, e Ray, mo te whakatuwheratanga o oku kanohi me te whakahihiri i aku mahi o ia ra.