The Mission of Building a Village of HOPE is to save life and give hope to the poor in Tanzania where Father Stephen and I acquired 13 acres of land to help restore Hope for the people in the village through services that promote HEALTH, provide EDUCATION, and tackle POVERTY.
Building a Village of HOPE will fulfill its mission in the village of Mkuranga, Tanzania through the construction of:
•Clean Water (Borehole Well)
•A Health Clinic
•A Secondary School
•A Vocational Center

The land

Clean Water (Borehole Well)
The nation is suffering in part due to its lack of quality water. This problem affects the health of the children, constrains the life of the women and girls, and impairs the house holds hygiene and sanitation. The solar powered borehole well will decrease all of the above issues.

Borehole Well

Health Clinic
Our objectives are:
To decrease mortality rates by 85%.
To treat between 50 to 150 patients per day.
In order to achieve our goal and objectives, we will be providing the following health care services:
Adult & Family Medicine
Family practitioners provide comprehensive care to adult men and women, including
seniors. Staff will work closely with the patient and family to encourage participation
in the community-based education classes and support groups.
Comprehensive obstetrical and gynecological care will be provided, as well as complete
prenatal care and delivery services, colposcopy/biopsies, gynecological surgeries, and STD
and HIV/AIDS treatments.
Pediatric Medicine
Pediatricians will deliver medical care to neighborhood children, from newborns to adolescences. Care includes but is not limited to physical exams, preventive care, sick child visits, management chronic illnesses, growth and development monitoring, and a variety of screening services such as vision and hearing testing.
The health center’s dentists will offer a full array of general dental services including preventive, restorative, minor oral surgery, crowns, and bridges.
Behavioral Health
One of the leading causes of depression and anxiety is chronic illness. Serious medical conditions can contribute to an onset of depression. Depression can cause medical conditions to worsen by weakening the immune system. It can become detrimental to a patient’s ability to effectively manage their illness. For this reason, we will integrate behavioral health care with regular medical care. A professional counselor will be a member of the medical staff and work hand-in-hand with the physicians to assure that patients receive both physical and mental care.

In an effort to reduce maternal mortality and increase survival rate, improve women's and children's health for a lasting quality life, we have partnered with International Health Awareness Network (IHAN) whose mission is stated as:
To educate, empower and provide health care to women and children with a focus on underserved socioeconomic groups.
To develop, fund and implement health projects, i.e. mass immunization, primary health care screening, treatment and educational workshops.
To work with the United Nations and other organizations to advocate and implement programs and policies that improves women's and children's health and quality of life.
To participate in international and national health-related development conferences.
For further information on IHAN, click on the IHAN banner.

Secondary School
The need for primary and secondary, vocational, and technical schools is the region is pressing.
The youth population is in desperate need of basic education and skills to enhance their standard of living. It is during this time that most youths are trying to find their way in the economic world where employment is highly competitive.
The existing government officiates over primary and secondary schools that are in need of support of experienced teachers and better housing facilities. Students between the ages 10 to 24, who are able to attend school, are at-risk of dropping out for a variety of reasons. This is the period most youths are trying to find their feet in the economic world.
Vocational Center
The center will educate and empower woman to be successful with a trade. In areas as such, men often times abandon the families and leave the woman raising and struggling to survive. Teaching them a skill and providing assistance will increase the chances of supporting their family and making a living.
With 13 acquired acres, a few will be set aside for agricultural to help support the village and start micro businesses for woman. Women are, quite literally, the backbone of agriculture in Tanzania. But all too often they don’t own the land they work on and struggle to get fair access to markets and fair prices for their produce.
We will be collaborating with OXFAM. OXFAM is an international confederation of 17 organizations working together in more than 90 countries, as part of a global movement for change, to build a future free from the injustice of poverty. We work directly with communities and we seek to influence the powerful to ensure that poor people can improve their lives and livelihoods and have a say in decisions that affect them. They have completed a study in Tanzania on woman farming and the business of agricultural.