I was introduced to Jacquelyn Aluotto by a friend Ed Martin at a fundraiser for KR3T's. Jacquelyn had this idea of making over shelters for battered women and children. She's an advocate of the cause for over 11 years. People often ask how I choose my causes and I can only respond and say they choose me. The NIMBY Project now had a team and the results are seen in the pictures with a trailer soon to follow. The makeover was led by non-other than Karl Champley an Australian master builder who currently hosts Wasted Spaces on the American television network DIY Network with NIMBY’s spokesperson Luis Guzman and myself.
Many of the shelters furnishings are second hand donations and there are no funds to even place a new coat of paint on the walls. The entire crew was great and chipped, even thou it was a hard few days with minimal sleep, busted knees, hands, falls, banging
The NIMBY Project
into everything. It was surely nothing to go through for these women and children who live there and bore the worse battering now in broken displaced homes and part of a statistic. You can see it in their eyes. As the second day came going into the third, they warmed up and started assisting as well. They opened up and gave the love back with hugs and conversation. A type of contact they are not used to getting in that setting. A great exchange of life between us all that will never be forgotten.
The NIMBY Project will feature a TV docudrama to makeover shelters all over America. We invite you to become involved in making a difference in the world. The movement is headstrong with celebrities, activists, communities and artists across the nation.
Help us stop poverty, abuse and homelessness, by educating and healing those that suffer in our own backyard. Please join our movement and help us break the cycle of violence and poverty. We see people changing the world every day and know that with just a little effort, we can make our communities stronger.